supergabbie wrote in goshdarnspam Mar 06, 2011 00:00
rock penis, public service announcement, birthday spam motherfuckahs, *drags everyone into a circle*, the riddler has done it again, *opens closet door..., i just died in your arms tonight, hi i'm drunk, sara is most definitely the condiment ki, abusing tags forever, i love my riddlerkins, hi i'm not actually drunk fuck you, osborn prism power, hi, i just wanted to abuse the tags, awesometastic, sara tops nobody, say what, sara actually has a riddlecane, i could say that this cab was rare, !!!!!!!!, riddler totally saved everyone okay
supergabbie wrote in goshdarnspam Mar 05, 2010 22:57
capslock is cruise control for cool, birthday sex, i love my riddlerkins, the riddler has done it again, sara actually has a riddlecane, riddler totally saved everyone okay, birthday spam motherfuckahs
darkknightfall wrote in goshdarnspam Jul 08, 2009 17:56
there is nothing but the poll, questions of a deep & meaningful nature, tags killed my parents, desu, spiders don't sing apparently, help me gds you're my only hope, choose a character already, the riddler has done it again, oh no it's a popopollllll, polls killed my family, my kingdom for a poll?!?!?!, polls are all around us, poll, batman is not gay!!!, batman is gay, i love my riddlerkins, and then jason was a tentacle monster, who to app?, my parents are deeaaaad, tell me who to app, black mask can drill me any time, its a trap, its a trap!, oh god we're being invaded by polls, you're my only hope
quinnade wrote in goshdarnspam Jun 16, 2009 15:08
Click to view
hideous is c&c's favorite word, absolutely glorious, batman is not gay!!!, batman is gay, i love my riddlerkins, hideius, hideous, beck is a magical fucking unicorn, what